Aurora kissing her triplets Eustace, Caspian and Lucy, one at a time, Spring 2023

Our Farm

In the summer of 2014, our family moved to the community of Ryder Lake to a small acreage. We worked hard to establish a farm plan and started by converting a small building on the property into a chicken coop and another into a small barn for our first four sheep. We also started working on the land to establish our orchards and gardens. We decided to commemorate the life of the farm's first resident, Little Black Bird, by honouring her in our farm's name and the development of our logo.

Since 2014, we have grown in numbers. Our farm carries over breeding ewes annually that produce wool and lovely lambs in the spring. We also have a diverse and productive flock of egg-laying chickens who provide our customers with delicious fresh weekly eggs. Through the years, we have had the privilege of caring for a small number of pigs and turkeys. Presently, we have one remaining resident turkey named Brie. 

In 2022, we added a dahlia-specific raised bed, where we grow a large number of dahlias for our roadside flower bouquets and tuber production.

Our home and farm are nestled in Ryder Lake, a rural community in Chilliwack on S'olh Temexw, the traditional unceded territory of the Stó:lō people.